New York State recently adopted a new law known as the Freelance Isn’t Free Act (the “NYS Act”), as Article 44-A of the General Business Law. The NYS

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In An RPAPL 881 Proceeding, Appellate Division Finds That A Licensor May Be Entitled To Recover Damages When Licensee Fails to Provide Proof of Sufficient Insurance[1] 

The adequacy

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As covered in our Transparency-is-in-Your-Future series, Congress enacted the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), requiring certain entities that are not otherwise exempt to file information about their beneficial ownership

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Governor Signs Bill Limiting Amount Which May Be Withheld For Retainage On Private Construction Contracts[1] 

On November 17, 2023, Governor Hochul signed a bill[2] which, among other

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On November 7, 2021, the Governor signed a Bill known as the “Anthony Amoros’ Law”, that “prohibits used car dealers from selling vehicles at retail without a functioning airbag.”[1]
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According to the United States Census Bureau, women make up nearly half of the United States work force.[i] Notwithstanding, as of 2019, women make up only 27% of workers
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One of the many unspoken issues facing homeless women is access to feminine hygiene products.  Governor Hochul, recognizing this issue, signed legislation on December 22, 2021, amending Social Services Law
Continue Reading Highlighting Women’s History Month: Governor Signs Bill Requiring Feminine Hygiene Products In Homeless Shelters

As we settle into the new “normal”, the body of case law concerning commercial rent defaults during the COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow. This blog discusses just some of those
Continue Reading Can’t Pay Rent Under Your Commercial Lease Because Of COVID-19? New York Courts Don’t Care—Sort Of