In An RPAPL 881 Proceeding, Appellate Division Finds That A Licensor May Be Entitled To Recover Damages When Licensee Fails to Provide Proof of Sufficient Insurance[1] 

The adequacy

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The Governor signed a bill on October 25, 2021, amending General Business Law § 771[1] to require contractors and subcontractors to disclose the existence of property and casualty insurance
Continue Reading General Business Law § 771 Amended to Require Contractors And Subcontractors To Disclose The Existence Of Property And Casualty Insurance

It goes without saying that many businesses have been devastated by the impact of the shelter-in-place orders imposed after the COVID-19 pandemic began. Yet every judge presiding over a business
Continue Reading The Southern District of New York, Like the Majority of Courts Considering the Issue, Finds No Business Interruption Coverage for COVID-19 Pandemic Losses

An Insurer’s Failure to Investigate an Accident and Decline Coverage Based Upon a Policy Exclusion Renders the Subsequent Disclaimer of a Claim Untimely as a Matter of Law

The New
Continue Reading Late and Out of Luck: An Insurer’s Failure to Investigate an Accident and Decline Coverage Based Upon a Policy Exclusion Renders the Subsequent Disclaimer of a Claim Untimely as a Matter of Law

A new bill introduced by New York Assembly members Robert Carroll and Patricia Fahy would effectively force insurers to provide retroactive coverage for claims filed by businesses that have closed
Continue Reading Proposed State Legislation May Offer Retroactive Coverage for Business Interruptions Due to COVID-19

With the unprecedented COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic devastating cities and states throughout the United States (and the world), and all but bringing the U.S. economy to a screeching halt, business owners
Continue Reading Is the Business Interruption Caused by COVID-19 Covered Under Business Owners’ Property Insurance Policies?