In An RPAPL 881 Proceeding, Appellate Division Finds That A Licensor May Be Entitled To Recover Damages When Licensee Fails to Provide Proof of Sufficient Insurance[1] 

The adequacy

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Governor Signs Bill Limiting Amount Which May Be Withheld For Retainage On Private Construction Contracts[1] 

On November 17, 2023, Governor Hochul signed a bill[2] which, among other

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“This bill seeks to protect workers from corporations and their agents that fail to comply with safety protocols by amending the penal code to create new offenses and substantially increasing
Continue Reading New York State Senate Enacts “Carlos’ Law” Imposing Higher Fines Involving Death Of A Construction Worker

​The COVID-19 pandemic has brought uncertainty and upheaval to communities and businesses across the country. There is particular confusion in the New York construction industry about which types of construction
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