In an effort to move to fully electronic processing of trademark applications and registrations and to positively impact the environment by reducing the use of paper, effective June 7, 2022, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will begin issuing electronic trademark registration certificates. The change to electronic trademark registration certificates is intended to give trademark owners easier and quicker access to their trademark certificates upon registration.
In making the transition to electronic registration certificates, the USPTO is acknowledging the strong consumer preference for the issuance of trademark registration certificates in a digital format rather than as a paper certificate. The change will also decrease the time it takes for trademark owners to receive registration certificates.
As of June 7, 2022, trademark registration certificates will no longer be issued by the USPTO by printing them on paper and mailing them to the correspondence address of record. Instead, the registrations will issue electronically under the electronic signature of the Director of the USPTO with a digital seal. The digital seal will authenticate the trademark registration. The electronic registration certificate will be uploaded to the USPTO database, with notice emailed to the trademark owner with a link to access the certificate upon issuance. Trademark owners will be able to use the link to view, download, and print a complete copy of the registration certificate at no charge at any time.
However, trademark owners will still be able to order a “presentation” copy of the registration certificate. The presentation copy is a one-page, condensed, printed copy of the issued registration that is suitable for framing. The presentation copy will be printed on heavy paper; feature a gold foil seal; identify the owners; display bibliographic data, the trademark, and the classes of goods and/or services of the trademark. There is a $25 fee for each presentation copy, which can be ordered through the USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Application System database. For a $15 fee, trademark owners will still be able to order certified copies of their trademark registration certificates from the USPTO. The certified copy can be used in connection with legal proceedings and certifies the trademark’s status and title and includes the signature of the authorized certifying officer.
If you have any questions or need assistance with the filing of any trademark applications or obtaining trademark registration certificates, contact the Chair of our Trademark Practice Group, Scott Fisher, at (516) 393-8248 or sfisher@jaspanllp.com.